This is a personal post, which as you may know from reading my blog, this doesn’t happen super often.
I have friends that come and go, many that I’ve had fantastic moments with, and then they were gone, like a puff of smoke, wafting away in a crisp breeze. And then I have other friends who I shared intimate moments with, be it conversation or a life-changing event, and when these types of friends come back into my life, it’s as if no time had passed, and the music never skipped a beat. It’s an amazing feeling, something that I will forever cherish.
As many romance stories, the timing was the issue, not for a lack of passion, nor walls or past baggage to get in our way – the timing was awful, to say the least. We tried to hang on, yet the experience became too difficult to manage, and so we separated, never talking again. Even though the relationship had severed, the connection and the bond hadn’t died – for so many moments since, I was reminded of her, with various moments feeling as though we were tethered again – stuck in time, perhaps – or maybe we were both feeling the same things at the same times, thinking back, reminiscing upon our miraculous connection – reliving the memory.
I’ve never been one to fall head over heals, and I’ve never quite believed in those cheesy lovey-dovey films that many others store their hopes and dreams within. But something about that person, and the moments we shared never left me.
The dazzling and sort of terrifying thing is that nearly two years has since passed since we last spoke, but the stars aligned (or whatever you want to attribute it to – fate intervened, perhaps?) and she came rushing back into my life last week, like a roaring fire, setting ablaze to the foundation I’ve struggled to build without her all of this time. The beautiful thing is that nothing had changed, the passion, the chemistry, and the love was still there, although, the timing may (or with optimism, may not) be spoiling what could have been…
I’m not sure which is the worst part, however; is it that if things never work out, that I’ll be left with the typical ‘what ifs?’ Or is it the fact that I can picture how our lives would likely play out, if everything were to work out this time around? I can imagine the future as being almost straight from a modern fairytale (yes, yes, I know fairytales aren’t real, but I can dream, can’t I?) – where we would travel the world together, writing about our experiences, and our love, while inspiring others to strive for their dreams as well, before settling down to have a beautiful family. Could you imagine a kick ass blogging-duo? Crazy, isn’t it?
If you have a story of love lost (and found, if the fates are kind), please share your story with me? Feel free to comment below if you’re feeling up to it, or send me a message directly.
(Photo by Konstantin Lazorkin via Flickr)