I am asking for donations to fund Eye & Pen and my future travels. The need has arisen because of the incident that happened to me in September 2012, where I was on a mission to find my true home - a place I've never known. I thought, why not try paradise on for size? Fate had a different plan.
While in the El Yunque rain forest of Puerto Rico, my rental car was the victim of a smash-and-grab robbery by a local gang. The thieves stole everything from me, all of my money, camera equipment, passport and clothing. Basically, they stole the clothing off my back. I was forced to return immediately to my family in the states and I’ve been struggling to recover ever since.
With your gracious contributions, I will be able to continue traveling, writing and continue forward on my quest of life-fulfillment. And I will continue to keep my website free to you! Freely you have received, please freely give. Thank you for your contributions, precious support and heartfelt thoughts!
(Photo by Trey Ratcliff)