A not-so-lovely option is to use your credit cards to fund your travels. This of course has its issues, with the typical high interest rates and the fact that you still have to pay back the dough at some point. But if you can get yourself a high limit credit card, with an introductory rate/time period of no interest, then this option might be feasible for you. Either way, it goes without saying, you’re acquiring debt, but if you’re smart about it, this quote may be useful for you: “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”
What about a loan? A loan may sound scary at first, but a lot of banks are offering great rates, now that some economies are starting to build a little momentum. Similar to a credit card in a lot of ways, a loan may be one of the better options, as it builds on your credit rating and puts cash into your pocket – plus, the rates are typically lower than most credit cards. So, if you’re responsible with money, unsecured loans can be a good option.
Last, but not least, I’d like to mention the most obvious of all – ASK SOMEBODY. Ask your parents, ask your grandfather, ask a friend, who cares... If you can show them that you’re traveling to increase your knowledge of the world, and that it will expand your boundaries of yourself, then perhaps, maybe, someone will invest in you. Just don’t make them regret it!
Also, there are a few other options that I’m not going to mention, because they require some creative scheming and illegal activity, which I don’t necessarily condone – haha. Either way, it’s definitely possible to afford to travel, find a way, somehow, whatever it takes. Work hard, but no matter what... Travel – it’s the best thing you can do for yourself. It opens your eyes and makes you grow through experience of recognition and surprises – it can stop your heart, then make it speed up double-time, all in the same moment, either way, you will never come back the same person, because you will have truly lived and experienced.
(Photo by Trey Ratcliff)