One of my more favorite moments of 2012 was my experience of touring the Ring of Kerry in Ireland. It’s a glorious and raw place, full of beauty and character. I will never forget the wonderful and hospitable people that I was able to learn and grow from those few nights in that country hostel and pub, along the cliffside.
I’m most grateful in 2012 for every person who came in and out of my life, for better or for worse, because if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be who I am today. As I start this new year, I hope that my path will never stray for the worse and that I will continue to learn, grow, and be a better and wiser version of myself. While I don’t really regret any part of 2012, I do hope that 2013 will be much better overall. I hope that it will be tremendously improved, contrasting that of the past year.
As is usual with the coming of a new year, I have set a few resolutions and goals for myself: I hope to gain fiscal stability solely from my writing and work. I will finish my European trek narrative novella. I wish to travel to at least twice as many countries than I did in 2012. I will take control of my health and eating habits and sustain a steady workout. I will release a travel safety and traveling cheap eBook. I hope to be print published for my writing. I won’t fall into the same self-destructive tendencies as I have in the past.
Cheers everyone - I wish for you to have a fantastic year, full of blessings, wisdom, growth and betterment!
(Photo by Trey Ratcliff)