The HANDLE: The Apache Dawn is a very heavy duty knife. Heavy to hold, and built to last. The handle is made of G10, and feels equally heavy duty, providing it a certain everlasting feel. The ergonomic grip fits snugly in hand, providing optimum control. There are ten ridges that run counter along the length of the handle, allowing for strong handling.
The SHEATH: Made up of a tactical woven fabric, the sheath is a bit thin, but built well overall. And while I would prefer a thick, leather sheath for a blade of this caliber, it’s difficult to aim much criticism at its design and features. Beyond simply keeping the knife safe and the blade hidden away from accidental injury, the sheath has loops to hold to your belt and a thin roping to tie around your leg, as expected. But it is its other features that provide it with even more value. Attached to the bottom is an emergency whistle, and atop the blade’s main compartment, a small pocket avails itself for a sharpener or a smaller fixed blade.

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Article written & Photos by Brandon Scott / Eye & Pen