A friend, client and one-time guest poster on EyeAndPen.com, Melanie Cobb said it quite nicely – “Phrases like "my" house and "my" food and "my" car just won't serve us for much longer as humans. It is not natural for humanity to be closed up in separate boxes like houses and offices, pretending we must do this life thing alone.” Life is meant to be shared and experienced and full of adventure, and new things and new people, not blindly lived without feeling and growth. I see so many of my friends and people focused on their toys and their cell phones and their bank accounts and their drugs. I have friends that I watch throw away those hard-to-find relationships where love and trust are paramount (and strongly evident), due to one of them ignoring what they have because they want that new skinnier or more interesting fling. I watch my family members ignore the needier people in our family (without remorse), because they’re too concerned with their own judgements and money, and beaucoup houses and cars and boats and so on. I watched a family member be ignored by the lot, when only one month earlier they attempted suicide. There is little love and compassion anymore and it makes me sick to my stomach.
I’ve also had realizations about myself – I have a form of depression that when I see all of this sickening mayhem, I tend to shut down and realize that the world is in ruin. Only a week ago I seriously questioned to myself, “what’s the point of me spending hours upon hours, every day on this blog and on my projects?” And I had a couple of days where I was in a bit of a dark place, analyzing everyone I knew and every person I had ever met – I realized that I’ve lost hope in humanity. But after a bit of retrospective soul-searching, I discerned that I am one of the few voices that see through the smog and am able to see the truth and am willing to voice it – it may be my responsibility to keep moving forward, voicing what I see and feel, to wake others from their lull. I promise here and now that I will continue to strive forward, trying my damnedest to keep my life on track, with the natural way of life that is within all humans, at the core of my soul – and I will remain focused on why we’re really here on this earth and what’s really important – and I hope you will too!
Life is meant to be challenging... “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try,” by Seth Godin.
(Photo by Trey Ratcliff)