Besides my beloved laptop, the star in my everyday parade is my WaterField Design's Muzetto messenger bag by San Francisco Bags. The right bag can be everything – without a comfortable, accessible and durable bag, your everyday kit can be more of a nuisance, or a totally liability at the wrong time and place. My Muzetto bag is made of thick beautiful leather, accented by a strong canvas-like material that keeps my precious belongings safe and dry. The leather is rich smelling, soft feeling, and of obvious high quality – yes, I am in love, I admit it. The shoulder strap is comfortable, allowing the Muzetto to fit nicely alongside me, slung across my chest and over my shoulder all day.
For more information about the Muzetto and more bags by WaterField Designs, click here.
(Photo #1 by Brandon Elijah Scott / Eye & Pen, #2 via Waterfield Designs/SFBags)
This article was written by Brandon Scott