Simply put, a headshot is a photograph of a person from the shoulders up, meaning it mostly includes the head and neck with the potential to show a bit of the shoulder. The creation of this photo is to provide a proper perspective into the actual looks of a person with the facial features clearly depicted and provide the kind of detail that a full-body photo can't present.
A little planning and research before booking flights to Canada from the UK are worth the effort. Eliminate the most common travel mishaps like planning and spending too much and wrong spending between Canadian cities knowing travel requirements, climate, transportation.
If you’ve never been to southern California, it’s probably on your to-do list. The weather is unbeatable and there’s a ton to do. So if you’re planning a trip and need to fill your itinerary, here, in no particular order, are the top 10 things to do in southern California.
Last year, my wife Leah and I ventured out to Wyoming and Montana to tour Yellowstone National Park, Grant Tetons and finally Glacier National Park. Leah was 5 months pregnant with our little Rowan and so it's taken a little while to edit the photos and to have them ready for you here... We hope these brighten your day even though you're quarantined like us. Here are my 15 favorite's from our adventure:
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