CBD oil ingested sublingually is the most popular method of use, but you can also use it as a topical, edible, suppository, and it can be vaped as well. Depending on what your ailment is, either internal or external may be the best approach for you. For sore muscles, joint pain, back and neck pain, bone spurs and neuropathy, I like to use a CBD-infused salve. For all other ailments, like when I can’t sleep or when anxiety has me reeling with tension, I use the drops,w which are held under the tongue for 1-2 minutes then swallowed. Though, my favorite as of late are CBD-infused gummies, which essentially are medicinal gummy bears.
I recently had the opportunity to test CBDistillery’s Extra Strength 5000mg CBD Tincture and their CBD Nighttime Gummies, and after a couple of months using them, I have to say I’m astounded at the results. I took the oil daily, starting with 10mg and working my way up to 25mg a day for really bad days, where I felt like crap. When in a lot of pain, I took two doses, one at morning and one at night. The gummies, however, were strictly for bedtime due to the quantity of CBD (30mg) and melatonin (1.5mg). I would eat one gummy, then about 30-minutes later I was ready for some serious sleep. The gummies aided me in my ability to receive a full night sleep and to keep me functioning at a high level while working 12-15 hours a day.

Click here if you would like to learn more about CBDistillery.
But don’t let me sell you on them. Do your own research and try it out if you’re curious what CBD can do for you. Otherwise, speaking with a medical professional or your family doctor might be the best next move if you’re interested but concerned.
*Important disclosure: All the information in this article was written for entertainment purposes and should not replace professional medical advice. I am not a doctor, but rather, an herbalist. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.