And then there’s CBD, or Cannabidol, which is a compound found in the leaves, stems and flowers of both female and male plants. CBD has been legal in the US under the industrial hemp law for sometime, but it’s facing some grey areas as of late. Cannabidol is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis which has been reported to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, as well as sedating, hypnotic, and anti-dystonic effects, among other healing attributes. CBD does not ‘get you high,’ as they say, but it will relax you, and has been shown to soothe pain and inflammation. From research readily found online, in medical journals, in libraries, and bookstores, this hemp extract can help regulate sleep patterns, control certain cancers, stimulates bone growth, and stops the growth of bacteria, as well as suppresses muscle spasms and convulsions, reduces blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of artery obstructions, decreases pressure in the blood vessel walls, helps control epileptic seizures, reduces risk of nerve damage, and can even ease nausea and insomnia.
Sounds amazing, right? Well, I thought I ought to try this compound out, and so I reached out to Octagon Biolabs in Nevada to trial their CBD Hemp Oil. For my Octagon Biolabs CBD review, I decided to test their CBD extract everyday for a month to see if it it might help my everyday wellness and quality of life. After a month, I can report that personally, it did indeed help me. I had to play with the dosage at first, moving up from 10mg to 25mg+, depending on how bad I felt. I noticed the most powerful effects on days when I felt cloudy, anxious, and moody.
The CBD aided me in my mood, in the heaviness of stress and anxiety that I felt, and in my ability to sleep through the night. I’ve been dealing with back troubles, which has snowballed into anxiety and many sleepless nights with middle of the night insomnia. It got so bad that I started having trouble thinking clearly, and my mood would almost always be down, or described best as a funk. CBD eased my anxiety, and let me feel freer than I have in sometime, while also easing the pain and inflammation in my back. I took the CBD internally, by applying drops on my tongue and viola, I began feeling better in no time. This is only my personal thoughts and is definitely not to be misconstrued as medical advice. Do your own research. I suggest starting here: www.projectcbd.org
If you would like to learn more about Octagon Biolabs, click here.
*This article is for entertainment use, and should not replace the diagnoses of any disease or the subscribing of any medication. Always consult with your doctor or a medical professional for any and all health-related advice.