In the present day medical care world, there’s corporate medicines and natural/alternative medicines, and while there are some ailments and diseases that require mainstream medications, the natural approach offers a wide range of cures* for a myriad of discomforts and illnesses. While I trust the doctor’s advice when whatever I’m going through is serious enough, I will almost always attempt an alternative approach first. The reason is because I’ve come to truly understand our connection to the natural animate world and have experienced the power that can be harnessed from it, and I also have seen the negative side of the medical world, from creating addiction to the side effects being worse than the original condition, and other personal life experiences. So for most discomforts, I rely on natural medicine first, because most of the time I find results.

Butterfly Express specializes in a huge selection of essential oils, carrier oils, personal products, diffusers for aromatherapy, jewelry, minerals, salves, supplements, tinctures and so much more. They also have a variety of kits for all sorts of occasions and interests. When I travel, I carry with me the Grab N’ Go kit, because it brings together everything you need to take care of most issues that might arise. If I would have had this kit with me when I was in Europe, I could have avoided a lot of downtime that could have been better spent exploring.

If you would like to find out more about Butterfly Express, click here.
Article written & Photos by Brandon Scott / Eye & Pen
*This article is meant for entertainment purposes only. All medical and health related advice or questions should be directed toward a doctor or medical professional.