First of all, unlock your phone, navigate to the App Store / Play Store / Windows Store (whichever you use) and search for a hotel room booking app. I'm joking, of course. On one hand everybody knows this, on the other hands apps are not even really needed (except if you use them often). You can simply navigate to the service's website using your mobile browser and you can access their service (after registration, of course) witj the same ease as you would on a desktop browser. You can set the dates, check the availability of rooms, set your needs for beds, minibar and WiFi and even pay while on the go.
I spent several minutes searching for a handy guide to book a hotel room using a smartphone, but to be honest, I haven't found one. The reason for it is obvious: internet booking services have created an easy to use interface for their website, covering everything a traveler might need. Adapting that set of services to a smartphone was just a question of interface redesign - there is no added functionality, as it is not needed. Booking a hotel room online is just as easy on a smartphone as it would be on a desktop browser - and much easier than through a live operator or receptionist who sometimes has to attend several guests at once while also answering the phone.
(Photo by dharder9475 via Flickr)
Article written by G.A.