I’ve always loved the idea of being that wild mountain man writer who chooses the peace of the wilderness over the current way of things, where a touch of madness breathes life into his works. While that would be impossible currently in my life, the day still may come one day. But until then, I will continue to work on my novel, while balancing the demands of modern life. And I will work to at the very least succeed at having the righteous beard, if nothing else. Though, I am closer to that vision than I’ve lead on, as I live in the country of rural Ohio, up against the forest, and regularly focus on writing in seclusion. Another one of the key aspects of my vision is also something I’ve incorporated into my life, which is that of working with the land, and even though I’m a simple gardener of vegetables, and not so much the cut down trees and slice up firewood every-damn-day sort of work, the activity still feeds my appreciation and understanding, as well as connection to the natural world.

RBC’s specializes in beard care and grooming products, among the finest that I’ve had the pleasure of trying out. I sampled the Grand Canyon wash and conditioner (a smooth, spicy ginger scent), which works wonders on a grimy, dry beard, as well as their beard oil in Big Bend (worn leather, campfire), Grand Teton (vanilla, citrus, sandalwood - my favorite!) and Acadia (fir, clove, cedarwood). Not only do the names and the branding speak to my heart and preferences, but so do the beautiful earthy scents of the products. The beard oil conditions the skin, the hair follicles and keeps my beard shiny, styled and itch-free, which is huge because when you’re first growing out a full beard, dryness can be brutal.

If you would like to learn more about The Roosevelts Beard Company, click here.
Article written by Brandon Scott
(Photo by changweimx via Flickr)