Our store carries a vast selection of modern leather briefcases and functional laptop and computer cases for men and women. You will also find many styles of Italian leather duffle bags, handmade backpacks, multi-functional tote bags and the trendy messenger bag for men and women. We also carry unisex bags and hand tooled leather handbags for all occasions.
Before leaving for my USA Road Trip, I was searching around for the perfect heavy duty duffel bag. I wanted to carry all of my clothes in a single bag, yet be sure that the quality would last long enough. I actually scoured the internet for some time, before coming across the wicked great collection of Got Briefcases. They simply have a large and diverse product stock, as well as some of the most helpful employees working for them. The team at Gotbriefcases.com helped me fiture out exactly what my needs were, as well as what's most important for me. So, for my new bag, I went with the black Claire Chase Classic Sports Leather Valise duffel bag – it's built strong, from high quality material, and simply looks great. I'm quite the fan, to be honest with you.
*The views and opinions expressed on this post are exactly how Brandon honestly feels, Got Briefcases had no say on the content or direction of this review.