Occasionally, I have the opportunity to try out a product of such quality that words come without ease, because I'm filled with an awe and a wonder that leaves me nearly speechless. This may sound like hyperbole, but to be perfectly honest, the Master & Dynamic MH40 Noise Isolating Over Ear Headphones deserve all of the praise it receives. |

The build of a set of headphones can easily make or break the product – more often than not, they tend to break the designs – though, Master & Dynamic totally nailed the construction of the MH40s. Their products are sold as 'Designed for Decades of Use,' with a stainless steel and premium leather body – I can attest to this statement. The body is certainly strong and is very well-designed, with top quality ingredients, making these headphones the perfect recipe for any music lover, artist, or author. I say author, because I've found that I write best when I create my own atmosphere, complete with noise isolating headphones in a dark room, without distraction.
Throughout the years, I've tried a fair share of above-$100 headphones and have found that there are a few lovely brands out there, but for the real deal, you almost always have to spend several times that to find a well-rounded pair that will hold up over time with plenty of use and that have a sound quality ideal for a musician. I've only found two other pairs (besides the MH40s) that I would recommend music industry friends, as well as consumers, and this pair destroys them, without question.

If you can't tell, I'm in love. These may never leave my side, let alone be replaced within my own work process. It's not possible to find anything negative about these headphones... Truth!
(Photo #1, #2, #4 by Brandon Elijah Scott / Eye & Pen)
(Photo #3 via www.masterdynamic.com)