What makes our weekly holidays so special is more than simply watching the game and screaming at the TV, because there’s a subtle art at play that we’ve perfected over the years. Every Saturday is a holiday as far as we’re concerned, and no matter if we show up at the Horse Shoe, on campus or simply at a local gathering of like-minded Buckeye fans, we make it a damn good time by pulling out all of the stops. Let me explain…
Our game day ritual starts with a gathering of all the OSU fans in our family with everyone taking part of our collective potluck by bringing something delicious for each of us to enjoy. Grandma makes fresh apple pie from scratch, while others bring chips and salsa and other snacks, little weenies, fried chicken, ribs, pizza and more. It’s a downright smorgasbord of absolute beauty. The guarantee every week, win or lose, is that everyone goes home in pain… I mean, not hungry, of course. Either way, it’s always a good time when we all come together, root for our team and eat to our bloated heart’s content. Few things are better than the rollercoaster that is college football, surrounded by loved ones and eating some of the finest of tastes known to man.
For the game opener against Oregon State, the family went all out with baking a few racks of ribs before searing them on the grill at halftime. After that, we enjoyed the best apple pie you will never be able to try (apologies), before finishing the evening with pizza. It was a blistering summer day but we made the best of it. But what helped keep us cool was that we setup Mr. Heater BaseCamp 42 Quart Fridge/Freezer right outside, beside the grill. With that thing, we can take the party anywhere!

The BaseCamp 42-Qt Fridge-Freezer by Mr. Heater comes with a lot of monitoring features like 3 low battery cut-off levels, and with pairing that with a 0.74a per hour consumption rate, you can rest assured that even if you get carried away with the party, your vehicle will still start when needed. The internal temperature can range as low as -8 degree F or as high as 50 degree F with as little as a push of a button. The fine folks at Mr. Heater always aim to keep the controls simple and intuitive, and that’s no different here. The lid comes with an internal LED light and a lid alarm in case someone forgot to shut the lid tight. The body of the fridge-freezer is made up of a fingerprint resistant stainless steel cabinet with a 50mm thick insulation inside so you and your food can withstand the harshest of situations, like if you’re tailgating outside in late November and your team’s down 3 with 0:40 seconds to go.
Key Features for the BaseCamp 42-Quart Fridge-Freezer by Mr. Heater: