I first visited Malaga – no, really, this time it’s for real – this past year in April 2013. It was the first time I was able to get back ‘on the road’ in over a year, because of that whole awesome Puerto Rico robbery fiasco, and I had spent the previous few weeks in Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, and Granada. My heart had since fallen in love with Spain and Spanish culture (and of course, the women weren’t too shabby either – haha), and I was amazed in particular with the range of different cultural significance of each of those places – and with the hope that Malaga would have the same effect on me as well, I left Granada for the seaside city.
For my remaining time in Malaga, I roamed around the city, finding its quirky shops and watching its strange street performers, while thoroughly enjoying myself with a few mates that I met at my small hostel, which was located near the pedestrian district.
I left Malaga for Ronda via bus, but the journey wasn’t a comfortable one, and if you can drive its worth hiring a car. Comparison website such as Holiday Autos can find you the best price from suppliers like Hertz. It’s something I wish I had done, roamed the region, photographing the beautiful areas, and completely bypassing the Costa del Sol trip from hell, but there’s always next time!