Keep your head down and don’t draw attention to yourself - the goal is to blend in, so do your best to look less like a tourist and more like a local. There’s no need to wear that bright colored Disney sweatshirt or that oh-so comfortable fanny pack. I would also suggest to limit the amount of ‘flash’ - what I mean by that is if you have valuables with you, lock them away, far away - or don’t even bring them with you. Keep your camera in your bag as often as possible, and the same goes for your Apple products. And just because you own an expensive piece of jewelry doesn’t mean wearing it around Rome will be the best of ideas.
By theory, if you keep your head down and don’t draw attention to yourself, you will give no reason for anyone to want to mess with you. Quick thinking, along with street smarts will save you from a lot of trouble - I’m quite strong in both areas, but even that doesn’t promise me safety. Street smarts is something you learn growing up - you sort of either have it or you don’t. Like anything else, with enough time and passion, it can be learned, probably with plenty of folly mistakes - but if you believe that you don’t have it, whatsoever, then travel with a partner!
Always stay one step ahead by thinking of every scenario and planning accordingly. Travel light, travel safe and travel smart.
(Photo by Sergiy Serdyuk / iStock)