I don't know about you, but there have been countless times that I've been abroad or simply out and about, even for a night on the town and I've been unable to charge my phone. There are a lot of times where I get by fine and often enjoy the break from technology, but then there are situations where being without a smart phone has proved to be a pain, or even essentially maddening, where this sort of accessory could have saved my butt. Have you ever used your phone as a GPS and just as you get to a region that's unfamiliar, the battery symbol flashes and your phone turns off and you're lost? It's happened to the best of us. No shame. But it could have been avoided.
Click here to learn more about Kyte&Key's Cavoletto Wrap and more >
I recently had the pleasure to test the new Kyte&Key Cavoletto Wrap. The black/onyx metal looks clean and classy, and the leather feels nice and strong. The overall appeal comes off classy, and completely conceals the fact that it's a wire. With a quick pull, the metal housing of the bracelet lets the wire unlock and is useable with any USB port. Great design and great build.
(Photo #1-4 by Brandon Scott, image #5 by © Kyte&Key)